
Shared Vision

I have always been passionate about giving back. In 2019, in partnership with Sunshades Eyewear I co-founded the Shared Vision Initiative, distributing reading glasses through the artisan communities of Mexico and Guatemala. After having worked closely with artisans over the last six years I saw an important need for glasses among this community. As many of the (predominantly) women work in the evenings after their daily chores, their eyes strain in the poor light. Without the ability to see their intricate work, the artisans lose the ability to put food on the table. And so I reached out to Sunshades Eyewear who generously donated reading glasses which were then distributed to various communities throughout Mexico and Guatemala.


Konojel Enrichment Program

In 2014 while living in Guatemala I volunteered with a nutrition center Konojel, as the Enrichment Program Co-ordinator. One of the most well received activities was where the children made sunglasses using paper, cellophane and colouring-in pencils.
